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SUCCESSFUL LEADERS ARE MASTERS OF SELF-REFLECTION (here are 3 simple questions) – but taking the time to learn AND think takes time, and the few who give themselves this gift of a few minutes at the end of each day are generally the most successful. This can be very challenging the more senior the leadership role, and yet, is a key leadership capability.


Reflection is really practicing the art of ‘slowing down to speed up’ – and making time to harness your considerable wisdom. Like a car that needs to be refueled (i.e. you cannot run on adrenaline alone), and when doing so provides you with time to reflect and then reconnect to the road towards your destination, with greater focus, impact and intention.  And importantly, as the mind becomes more calm, it also becomes more, rather than less, alert. 


Because the best thinking comes from structured thinking, here are 3 powerfully simple questions to reflect on at the end of each day (for a few minutes only) … and keeping a reflection journal is how daily incremental growth translates into leadership transformation!


1.     What am I doing / who am I being that is helping me succeed?

2.     What am I doing / who am I being that is getting in my way?

3.     What adaptive approach can I adopt to be better tomorrow?