
92 Bowery St., New York, NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

[Self-mastery] Coaching Program

The Self-mastery Coaching Program is designed for leaders who want to elevate their leadership impact, take on bigger leadership roles, and become increasingly future fit.

This one-on-one coaching program is customised to your needs, and critically, Coach Steve will hold you accountable over a sustained period to ensure you fully internalise future fit leadership behaviours.

This program will provide you with positive forward momentum, power of conviction and enhanced future-shaping clarity to become the leader you want to be. It will provide you with a solid, long-lasting foundation upon which you can grow.
You will revitalize your thinking, explore new opportunities, clarify your values, tame your saboteurs that hold you back from your true potential, strengthen your ‘weakness muscles’, remove blind spots, uncover paradigm shifting ideas, develop your emotional intelligence for increased self-regulation, to emerge seeing the world from a fresh new perspective … and deliver new breakthroughs. Using The 18th Camel Coaching Framework, the program is typically delivered through:

• 10 one-hour one-on-one video conferencing sessions spread over 3 to 12 months

• Unlimited in-between support plus

• 2 follow-up sessions spread 3 months apart to ensure lasting change


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