
92 Bowery St., New York, NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

The 18th Camel Story

Steve’s coaching practice is called The 18th Camel Ltd., and is named after the 18th Century parable of an elderly Middle Eastern man who, upon his death, left 17 camels to his three sons who quarreled, unable to divide up the camels as per their father’s wishes; half to the eldest, a third to the middle son and a ninth to the youngest.

It is only when a wise man offered his camel – the 18th camel — that the sons could divide up their inheritance (i.e. 9 + 6 + 2 = 17!) … with the wise man returning home with his 18th camel.

A powerful story about self-limiting beliefs, blind spots and assumptions … and that there is always a solution, even if not visible in the moment.

Steve’s role is to support leaders in being able to step back, see the bigger picture and their role in it, challenge their belief systems, encourage the adoption of new behaviours, and help them navigate their environment towards healthy, collaborative growth … even when a solution may appear impossible.

Steve’s experience of having walked many miles in the shoes of a CEO and his Executive Coaching & Mentoring expertise, provides him with the unique ability to hold up the mirror to his clients, let them see, feel and speak the truth without judgement, and allow them to ‘step up’ for greater business impact and personal growth as a future fit leader … one who is truly ’empowering leaders and transforming futures’.

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