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From Good to Great Leadership – Who You Are ‘Being’ Is Everything!

So the story goes, some 8 to 10 years ago Harvard Business School looked around to see where all the good leades were, and struggled to find them.


An ‘aha’ moment ensued – they recognised that they (and other top B-Schools) were strong at imparting knowledge (‘Know’) … AND … strong at showing how to apply the knowledge (‘Do’) … but were lacking perhaps in helping leaders develop character (‘Being’) – truly understanding your purpose, values, beliefs, attitudes, and actions – and how these impact those around you, and beyond.


This is when a focus on mindfullness, self-reflection, journaling, breathing and much more came more into focus in the leadership world … and why today Great Leaders, and among other character building practices, reflect daily by asking themselves 3 simple yet powerful questions:


 1) Who was I ‘Being’ today as a leader that helped me succeed?

 2) Who was I ‘Being’ today as a leader that got in my way?

 3) How do I want to show up tomorrow to be a better leader?