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What it takes to deliver Innovation & Change

Thank you Dara Blumenthal for providing such a lucid and simple hierarchy of what it takes to deliver Innovation & Change … and given that only 10% to 15% of people are truly self-aware (see bottom of the hierarchy) … it’s no surprise that innovation and change is so hard to come by successfully. 


And I suspect that’s why Margaret Wheatly once said “Without reflection we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences and failing to achieve anything useful.”


With that, I offer 3 simple questions leaders can reflect on for a few minutes at the end of each day, to then ‘show up’ differently the next day … and dial up their chances of delivering Innovation & Change:

1. What am I doing / who I am being that is helping me succeed?

2. What am I doing / who am I being that is getting in the way?

3.How can I adapt my approach to be better tomorrow? (Note: this question is not about technical skills!)